fredag 13 april 2012

Using a fan ceiling as a generator DIY video

Check out Scott Brown with Green wind and other home energies

Check out his Youtube channel: MuddyMuddyMuddman

Part 1


Check out the others parts.

Savonius Turbine

Savonius Wind Turbine (for ex. cut a 5" pvc pipe, straight through)

Savonius Wind Turbine
Savonius Wind Turbine

You can put one step motor in top and one in the bottom. This will fix the bearing also.

According to "gadget_brain" the HP inkjet printer they have some nice motors. 500, 600, 700. Check it out and report back.

How to Build a Wind Turbine – The Generator

The main part, the generator is important. It is essential to get the appropriate kind of generator.

The things that are most important: You want to have high voltage, high current and low revolutions per minute engine. The high voltage and current will define the electric power output. Clearly, this will mean that the highest outputs would be the best. The RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) indicate how quickly the engine shaft has to spin to be able to create the most quantity of power available.
The blades usually don´t swing so fast when the wind is blowing slowly. So you will most of the time have low RPMs, you will need a high voltage at low rpms. It is important that you get a generator that will get at minimum fifteen volts at about 400 RPM.
Some people believe that if you are not informed about wind turbine generators that you must begin with an Ametek motor. For example a 38 Volt DC motor. This is because these motors are already made to function precisely for this particular application, windgenerator.
The plate for the hub is another component that you must purchase and that fits the engine. This is a steel plate that hooks on to the shaft on the motor with mounted holes for the wind generator blades.

One way to make the blades is to find a suitable PVC pipe with a reasonable diameter. Then cut out the blades from this using a stick saw (in Sweden called sticksåg).